Cenacle Sisters of the Sacred Heart


St. Vincent Pallotti

“Wherever I shall be, I intend to imagine myself to be together in the Cenacle in Jerusalem where the Apostles received the Holy Spirit. I shall remind myself to renew this desire often. As the Apostles were there with Mary, so will I be in spirit with the most beloved Mother and Jesus. As they are my special intercessors, I am confident that they will help me and all other creatures to receive the abundance of the Holy Spirit”

About the Cenacle Sisters

History by Mother Lilia Capretti CSAC (+2023)

The Cenacle Sisters of the Sacred Heart were founded by Rev. Tomy Churathil SAC and Sr. Chandrika on September 8, 2002, in the Archdiocese of Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. At present, the Sisters work in India and Peru.


The source and origin of the Congregation is the life and spirituality of St. Vincent Pallotti, lived and experienced as the Cenacle. They began to live as a Pious Association of Sisters, with the aspiration to become members of the Union of the Catholic Apostolate and to share in the universal Apostolate of the Church. (cf. Can. 573). The Sisters of the Upper Room of the Sacred Heart have a special vocation at the heart of the Church: to heal broken hearts and to assist priests in the ministries of healing and renewal.


Guided by the Spirit and faithful to the charism, they work in the local Church together with groups, lay people and various religious congregations. Thus they wish to live their motto, becoming signs of God's love: burning with love to heal the broken heart, with the same spirit of St. Vincent Pallotti.


Guided by the Holy Spirit, founded on the experience of the Upper Room, and following Jesus the Apostle of the Eternal Father, the sisters are committed to building communities of faith and love, which heal and renew individuals and groups. The CSSH wants to promote the co-responsibility of all the baptized and to be apostles of Jesus the Apostle and to collaborate in the mission that he has entrusted to the Church.